Sending email via SMTP using X++ and .NET Framework in Dynamics AX

Sending custom email notifications is a very common requirement for Dynamics AX. The code sample included in this post contains the following features: attaching files, designating email priority setting, specifying To/From/CC recipients, and populating the subject line and body of the email. It’s assumed that you already have an operational SMTP server which is accessible from within your local network.


Before email can be sent using SMTP, you’ll need to specify the SMTP server settings in the system administration module of AX.

Dynamics AX 2012: System administration > Setup > System > E-mail parameters
Dynamics AX 2009: Administration > Setup > E-mail parameters

The field values that must be specified in this form will depend on how the SMTP server is configured, but many times only the first two fields need to be set. Once you populate this form, you’ll want to send a test email.

Code sample

The following code may be copied into a new job in the AOT. Set the variables at the top according to your needs, and execute the job.

static void TestEmail(Args _args)
    // Set these variables.
    str                                   sender = '';
    str                                   recipient = ';';
    str                                   cc = ';';
    str                                   subject = 'Test';
    str                                   body = 'Test';
    str                                   fileName = @'C:\test.txt';

    List                                  toList;
    List                                  ccList;
    ListEnumerator                        le;
    Set                                   permissionSet;
    System.Exception                      e;

    str                                   mailServer;
    int                                   mailServerPort;
    System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient            mailClient;
    System.Net.Mail.MailMessage           mailMessage;
    System.Net.Mail.MailAddress           mailFrom;
    System.Net.Mail.MailAddress           mailTo;
    System.Net.Mail.MailAddressCollection mailToCollection;
    System.Net.Mail.MailAddressCollection mailCCCollection;
    System.Net.Mail.AttachmentCollection  mailAttachementCollection;
    System.Net.Mail.Attachment            mailAttachment;

        toList = strSplit(recipient, ';');
        ccList = strSplit(cc, ';');
        permissionSet = new Set(Types::Class);
        permissionSet.add(new InteropPermission(InteropKind::ClrInterop));
        permissionSet.add(new FileIOPermission(filename, 'rw'));

        mailServer = SysEmaiLParameters::find(false).SMTPRelayServerName;
        mailServerPort = SysEmaiLParameters::find(false).SMTPPortNumber;
        mailClient = new System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient(mailServer, mailServerPort);

        le = toList.getEnumerator();
        mailFrom = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(sender);
        mailTo  = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(strLTrim(strRTrim(le.current())));
        mailMessage = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage(mailFrom, mailTo);
        mailToCollection = mailMessage.get_To();
        while (le.moveNext())
        le = ccList.getEnumerator();
        mailCCCollection = mailMessage.get_CC();
        while (le.moveNext())

        mailAttachementCollection = mailMessage.get_Attachments();
        mailAttachment = new System.Net.Mail.Attachment(fileName);



        info("Email sent.");
    catch (Exception::CLRError)
        e = ClrInterop::getLastException();
        while (e)
            e = e.get_InnerException();

If you’re looking for additional email options, check out Wai Keat Ng’s Dynamics AX Blog. He wrote a useful article which delves deeper into the topic of sending emails through code. You can find his post here:

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